News in English     | 03.08.2018. 19:20 |

Zvizdić: Positive trends of economic growth continued in the first half of 2018

FENA Press release

SARAJEVO, August 3 (FENA) - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina Denis Zvizdič expressed satisfaction with the fact that in the first half of 2018,BiH has recorded and continued with positive trends in economic growth, development and employment, despite the negative election campaign rhetoric and constant creation of political tensions.

GDP has continued to grow at a rate above three percent, and there has been significant increase in the volume of industrial production of almost 5 percent, especially in the manufacturing sector.

At the same time, Bosnia and Herzegovina recorded exports of six billion KM in the first six months of 2018, which is 12 percent more than in the same period of the previous year, with more than 70 percent of exports going to the countries of the European Union, which is a confirmation of the permanent improvement of the quality and competitiveness of Bosnian and Herzegovinian products.

The most important foreign trade partners of Bosnia and Herzegovina are Germany, Austria, Italy, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Turkey and the Netherlands, and the most important export markets: Germany, Croatia, Italy, Serbia, Austria and Slovenia, while the exceptional development of economic relations and export growth have been recorded with Turkey and China.

The import-export ratio with the countries of the European Union was 69.3 percent, and with the countries of the CEFTA 68.8 percent.

(FENA) S. R.

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