News in English     | 01.08.2019. 18:52 |

Remembering atrocities committed against Romas in World War II

FENA Maja Nikolić

TUZLA, August 1 (FENA) - Organized by the Roma Women Association “A Better Future”, the city of Tuzla remembers the Roma victims of World War II today.

“We have visited Donja Gradina so far, where the victims are buried. This year we decided to inform the public what was going on in World War II before our departure,” says Indira Bajramović, president of the Roma Women's Association “A Better Future”.

The worst atrocities were committed against the Roma in World War II.

Tens of thousands of Roma were killed in the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp, and one of the most tragic episodes occurred on the night of August 2 and 3, 1944, when the last group of 2,897 Roma were killed by the Nazis. To commemorate the event, the Council of Europe, on the initiative of numerous Roma organizations, proclaimed August 2nd as the International Day for Remembrance of Roma Victims of the Holocaust.

Every year, many Roma and friends of the Roma community gather at the Roma cemetery in Uštica, paying tribute to the innocent victims of this horrific concentration camp.


(FENA) L. N.

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