News in English     | 31.05.2020. 18:48 |

Govedarica:Determine who is responsible for procuring tent called field hospital

FENA Press release

BANJA LUKA, May 31 (FENA) - The Serb Democratic Party (SDS) insists on the accountability of all those responsible for procuring a tent called a field hospital in Republika Srpska, said Vukota Govedarica, a member of the SDS Presidency.

He expects the authorities in RS to announce the contract, which is now being terminated in connection with that procurement.

“In that way, the public will be informed about the damage, which will again be paid by the citizens of Republika Srpska,” Govedarica emphasized, the SDS announced.

He pointed out that citizens can only speculate about the real damage for the purchase of the field hospital.

“We know that only the transport of the tent called the field hospital was paid 400 thousand KM, and we can only speculate about other damages. That is why it is important that the contract is disclosed,” Govedarica repeated.

Govedarica also referred to the claims of President of the SNSD, Milorad Dodik, made at the session of the National Assembly of the RS, that there was no mistake during the state of emergency.

“Maybe Dodik, when he shouted in his disorder from the parliament that there was no mistake, was in fact performing and joking, as he did about wiretapping RS NA deputies. It seems that politics is actually a sketch, but he ought to know that the Serb people do not like such bad jokes,” concluded Govedarica, the SDS stated.

(FENA) A. B.

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