News in English     | 30.09.2021. 15:49 |

Plenković: Croatia will not be placing any wires towards BiH

FENA Alma Zukanović

SVILAJ, September 30 (FENA) - The Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Andrej Plenković, said that Croatia wants to strengthen its relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina and that Croatia ‘will not be placing the wire towards BiH’.

Today in Svilaj, together with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH Zoran Tegeltija and the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, he ceremoniously opened the border crossing and the interstate Svilaj bridge on the Sava River.

Plenković said that the bridge connects the two banks of the Sava River, which is the longest natural border between BiH and Croatia.

"We are opening another bridge that connects us and the arrival of the President of the European Commission emphasizes the symbolism of the connection. It also symbolizes the values ​​that connect us, and that is togetherness, responsibility, trust, appreciation, respect and the desire to communicate without interference with people, goods and services moving without restrictions, which are all European values," he said.

Plenković claims that Europe today also represents bridges, roads, ships, optical cables, jobs, crafts, companies and progress in every respect.

He added that the project was realized through joint cooperation and with the financial support of European institutions.

"It is only one of the bridges to be built because next year the bridge near Bosanska Gradiška will be completed. By strengthening infrastructural connections, we connect our economy and investments," he said.

The bridge construction project is worth 22.3 million euros and is located on International Corridor Vc.

"Another 200 kilometers of that corridor should be built from Svilaj to Bijača. This year, Croatia will complete the part from Osijek to the Hungarian border, after which the full dimension and value of this bridge will be recognized," Plenković explained.

He pointed out that a meeting of EU and Western Balkan leaders would be held next week, and that it would be an opportunity to put the aspects of the further package of aid to the countries of the region on the table.

(FENA) S. R.

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