News in English     | 29.11.2021. 16:30 |

Andelija: Seven out of 13 miners' requests are acceptable

FENA Darinka Mitrović

SARAJEVO, November 29 (FENA) - General Director of Elektroprivreda BiH Admir Andelija stated that out of 13 points, i.e. requests sent by the Independent Trade Union of Miners in the Federation of BiH to the Government of FBiH for consideration, from the aspect of Elektroprivreda BiH, seven points are completely acceptable with some technical changes. 

“What is left, and it can be unclear in the entire agreement, is how to provide additional necessary funds for settling the obligations from that request,” Andelija added at the press conference in the FBiH Government.

According to him, among the key demands of the union are to make a plan for settling obligations, i.e. importing work experience for all employees in the mines, increasing the price of coal, etc.

“There are some things left that we need to discuss with the union tonight, and what is certain and what I unfortunately have to say, is that if the union's demands are met in the way they are defined in this request, there would be a drastic price increase in electricity,” said Andelija.

He gave the example of a customer whose current monthly bill for consumed electricity is 43.25 KM. If they would increase the price of coal by 20 percent, as he added, this bill would increase to 49.77 KM or by some 16 percent.

“If we add to that the cost of some 400 million KM for the payment of taxes and contributions for mine employees, the bill would go to 59.81 KM, which is 31 percent more than at the moment,” said Andelija, adding that a similar situation was also when it comes to other categories of customers.

(FENA) A. B.

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