News in English     | 07.08.2022. 17:13 |

Forest fires in Neum and Konjic still active

FENA Press release, Photo:

NEUM/KONJIC, August 7 (FENA) – Forest fire on Mount Žaba near Neum is still active and is spreading towards the village of Cerovo, the Civil Protection Operations Center of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton reported on Sunday.

They stated that there is currently no threat to the population or facilities.
Firefighters are on the ground, and the engagement of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina helicopter is required.
According to information from the Konjic Operations Center, forest fires in villages of Borci and Glavatičevo are still active.
Due to the wind and inaccessible terrain, the situation at both fire sites changes in a short time, but there is currently no danger to the population or buildings.
It is also necessary to engage a helicopter of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


(FENA) A. B.

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