SARAJEVO, October 4 (FENA) - The BiH Labor and Employment Agency presented today the application "Danube Compass" in Sarajevo that enables migrants and other persons to get information in the fields of labor, education, health, business and everyday life in the countries of the Danube Region.
Director of the Labor and Employment Agency Muamer Bandić said that the application covers eight countries - Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Germany, Slovenia and Serbia, and that it has already been uploaded on the Agency's website.
“We will do our best in cooperation with the Council of Ministers of BiH, for other institutions to take over this application so that more migrants and citizens will have at their disposal the information it offers,” said Bandić.
He added that all BiH citizens who are interested in work in the international market of these countries can now do so without being misinformed, which has often been the case in the past.
It was emphasized at the presentation that the application can serve both students and employers who intend to expand their business in one of the listed countries.
The app is also available on
The presentation was organized in cooperation with the Information Platform of the Danube Region for Economic Integration of Migrants - DRIM project, and the leading partner of the project is the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
(FENA) S. R.