News in English     | 11.04.2019. 20:50 |

USC local government officials seriously concerned about the migrants situation

FENA Press release

SARAJEVO, April 11 (FENA) - Representatives of the Una-Sana Canton Government came to today's scheduled session of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which MPs were to consider the consequences of the migrant crisis in the country, but that session was canceled after which they expressed their deep disappointment.

The initiative for convening this session was submitted by the Social Democratic Party (SDP), Our Party, the Alliance for a Better Future (SBB) and the Party of Democratic Action (A-SDA), and local government representatives are grateful to them and they expected concrete conclusions today.

Their opinions are that the state institutions would act differently if this problem was in some other BiH city but this kind of carelessness means a truly worrying relationship towards one another in this country.

The Cantonal Prime Minister Mustafa Ružnić reminded on the eve of the session of this state parliamentary body that in this canton, four temporary reception centers have been opened so that the migrants had a place to stay during the winter and so that in this period everyone could jointly prepare for a new wave of migrants in springtime.

“We are now in a position to close two centers, "Miral" in Velika Kladuša and "Bira" in Bihać, or to move them to other locations in an uninhabited area. Therefore, we expected that at today's session the coordination body would be tasked to act on the conclusions of the City Council of Bihać and the USC Government to draft an action plan and implement it within 30 days,” explained Ružnić.

He announced that they plan to use all the capacities, such as the Public Health Institute, the Veterinary Institute, the USC Ministry of Internal Affairs, to shut down these two migrant centers and move the migrants and for another location to be determined by the Foreigners Affairs Service of BIH.

Šuhret Fazlić, Mayor of Bihać, a city which has accommodated several thousand migrants in two reception centers, announced the closure of these centers and taking of other radical measures.

As he underlined, other countries are faced with this problem, but only in BiH the biggest burden is on a city of 60,000 inhabitants which has no capacity to adequately face this challenge alone.

In 2018, more than 19,300 illegal migrants were registered in the USC, and in this period, 77 crimes were committed, while more than 6,000 new migrants were registered in the first three months of this year, with 79 criminal offenses and hundreds of misdemeanors committed which has greatly complicated the security situation in this canton, stated the authorities of the USC.



(FENA) S. R.

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