News in English     | 17.12.2021. 19:47 |

SDA Main Board strongly condemns SNSD's unconstitutional activities

FENA Alma Zukanović

KAKANJ, December 17 (FENA) – The Main Board of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) strongly condemns the unconstitutional activities of the SNSD, the Declaration on Constitutional Principles and the conclusions adopted by the NARS at the 24th special session and the Dayton Peace Agreement, and thus peace itself.

“These are activities that are contrary to the Constitution of BiH and laws, which contain features of criminal acts from the Criminal Code of BiH - it is stated in the conclusions of the Main Board of that party,” said Deputy President of the Main Board Alija Tabaković.

Also, the SDA Main Board urges the Prosecutor's Office of BiH to immediately take steps within its competence and urgently prosecute the responsible persons who participated in proposing and adopting unconstitutional and illegal documents and conclusions of the NARS.

They call on the High Representative in BiH, in accordance with his mandate, to repeal the Declaration on Constitutional Principles and the conclusions of the NARS from the 24th special session.

They instruct SDA officials, who are authorized by the Constitution to initiate proceedings, to initiate a procedure before the BiH Constitutional Court to challenge the activities carried out and the adopted acts of the NARS.

Tabaković pointed out that the SDA Main Board believes that due to the situation in the country and the pronounced threats to stability and peace produced by Milorad Dodik's policy, NATO forces and EUFOR should, in accordance with their mandates, strengthen their presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially on the territory of Brčko District of BiH.

He also pointed out that the SDA Main Board welcomes the resolution on Bosnia and Herzegovina passed by the Dutch Parliament, messages from special sessions of both houses of the British Parliament, and increased US engagement. We also welcome the strong messages from the governments of Germany, the Netherlands and other countries at the joint sessions of the EU Council, in which, instead of unjustified equalization of "all parties", it is clear who is to blame for the crisis.

Among other things, the SDA Main Board gives full support to President Bakir Izetbegović and members of his team in talks so far on reforms to the Constitution and electoral legislation.

SDA Main Board welcomes the decision of international mediators from the USA and the EU to temporarily postpone talks on reforming the BiH Constitution and election legislation until the crisis is resolved with a blockade of state institutions and attacks on the BiH constitutional order.

The main board of the SDA calls on the HDZ to give up maximalist demands, which are also warned by international mediators.

Also, the SDA Main Board demands an urgent unblocking of the process in the House of Peoples of FBiH.

They reject as untrue the claims of the HDZ that all Croats vote for the parties gathering around the HNS, and only Bosniaks vote for the parties from the pro-Bosnian bloc.

(FENA) A. B.

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