News in English     | 07.02.2023. 20:43 |

Nešić and Sattler discuss the process of EU integration and government formation at all levels

FENA Press release, Photo: Ministarstvo sigurnosti BiH

SARAJEVO, February 7 (FENA) - The BiH Minister of Security Nenad Nešić met with the head of the EU Delegation to BiH, Johann Sattler, with whom he discussed the current political and economic situation, as well as the process of European integration with full respect for the Constitution and the Dayton Agreement. 

The European path of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a common goal around which there is the highest degree of agreement in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the fulfillment of obligations and cooperation with institutions will be one of the priorities of the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the coming period.

During the meeting, Minister Nešić pointed out that the "rapid establishment of legitimate and functional government at all levels in BiH is of great importance for the European path, and emphasized the importance of internal dialogue of all political actors in BiH on important issues and projects of importance to all its citizens."

It was pointed out that the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection Service in Bosnia and Herzegovina has already made a significant step forward in EU integration, with last year's admission to membership of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

(FENA) S. R.

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