News in English     | 25.04.2024. 11:19 |

Share of BiH citizens who are actively looking for job abroad fell to approximately global average

FENA Press release, Photo: Ilustracija

SARAJEVO, April 25 (FENA) - Despite global challenges such as geopolitical tensions, widespread economic problems and the emergence of virtual mobility trends over the past few years, moving abroad for work is still the dream of many workers worldwide, with 23 percent of professionals who are actively looking for jobs in other countries, and 63 percent who express their willingness to do so. As for BiH citizens, the share of those actively looking for work abroad is 24 percent, according to a new study by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in cooperation with The Stepstone Group and The Network, based on the responses of more than 150,000 workers from 188 countries.

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