News in English     | 24.05.2024. 19:07 |

Human Rights Minister Hurtić visits Lipa migrant reception center with a delegation from Austria

FENA Press release, Photo: BiH Ministry of Human Rights

SARAJEVO, May 24 (FENA) - The Minister for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina Sevlid Hurtić visited the Temporary Reception Center "Lipa" near Bihać today. Among others, the delegation included the president of Amnesty International Austria, Shoura Hashemi, professor of international law at the University of Vienna, and the president of SOS Balkanroute Austria, Petar Rosandić.

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(FENA) S. R.

Vezane vijesti

Increased control of persons and accommodation facilities at Lipa Reception Center

Migrants from abandoned buildings transferred to Lipa temporary reception center

About 250 migrants accommodated in the newly opened Lipa reception center


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