News in English     | 04.04.2018. 11:12 |

EU, World Vision and UDAS: BiH without mines for a safer future of children

FENA Press release

SARAJEVO, April 4 (FENA) - Bosnia and Herzegovina continues to face a serious problem of landmine contamination, as mines and explosive ordnance as remnants of the war pose a direct threat to the security and lives of 545,000 citizens.

The seriousness of the problem is confirmed by the fact that since 1992, about 8.386 people have been killed by landmines in BiH, it is said in a joint statement by the European Union in BiH, World Vision and UDAS (the Amputees Organization).

We welcome April 4, the International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action with great expectations that, this year, may bring a renewed commitment by the national Mine Action authorities to fulfilling the remaining Mine Ban Treaty obligations.

The organizations underline that April 4, International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, is welcomed with great expectations that this year we will see the renewed commitment of the competent authorities in the management of mine action to fulfill the remaining obligations from the Convention on Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mines (the Ottawa Treaty).

This relates to the obligation to provide support to mine victims in rehabilitation and integration, as well as to clear the remaining mine contaminated territories as soon as possible, not later than 2025.

“It is high time for these commitments to be fulfilled. Anti-personnel mines cause suffering and pose a serious impediment to economic development. They also prevent the return of refugees and displaced persons, and establishment of normal social life and secure environments,” it is said in the statement.

The European Union is strongly committed to the full eradication of anti-personnel mines in BiH and supports the rights of mine victims and their families to assistance and rehabilitation. Since 1996, the EU has invested 46 million euros in the demining sector in BiH, which has confirmed its commitment to this important issue.

The World Vision, in partnership with the UDAS amputee organization, contributes to this demanding goal through the project "Integrated Socio-Economic Support to Mine Victims in BiH".

The project, funded by the European Union, ensures socio-economic empowerment and integration of landmine victims and their families in 11 mine-affected municipalities in BiH.

About 50 survivors, victims of landmines, will have the opportunity to improve their skills in managing a small business, after which they will be provided with equipment and provided professional technical support in the development of their businesses.

Additionally, 170 members of their families, including 6 children, will also benefit from the project.

(FENA) S. R.

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