News in English     | 14.04.2019. 20:15 |

Šepić elected president of Independent Bloc

FENA Press release

SARAJEVO, April 14 (FENA) – Senad Šepić has been elected president of the Independent Bloc, at the first Founding Congress of the party in Sarajevo today.

Congress was attended by 192 delegates from the entire BiH and great number of guests, including international representatives. New management has been elected and there were two candidates for the position of president.

“New president of the Independent Bloc is Senad Šepić, who won 146 votes, whereas the second candidate Fuad Kasumović won 39 votes,” Independent Bloc stated.

Vice presidents of the party are Razija Mujanović, Nisvet Jusić, Admir Čavalić, Darko Jotanović and Branislav Trbojević.

Members of the ethical, supervisory and main boards were elected as well and goals, values, priorities and vision of the party for the period of 2019-2023 were established.

“We have shown democratic capacity and clearly showed in less than two years that we are committed to our idea on different policy and fight against current regime. We will work with the people, listen to them and fight for them,” stated president of the Independent Bloc Senad Šepić.

(FENA) A. B.

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