News in English     | 10.04.2020. 14:03 |

Chairman Džaferović speaks with British Ambassador Field

FENA Press release

SARAJEVO, April 10 (FENA) - Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Šefik Džaferović spoke with the  Ambassador of Great Britain in BiH, Matthew Field today.

In a telephone conversation, the two officials exchanged information on the epidemiological situation in the United Kingdom, as well as the results achieved in Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding the prevention of the spread of coronavirus.

Chairman Džaferović emphasized that the current situation in the United Kingdom, which is severely affected by the coronavirus, is being closely watched in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well, and expressed full solidarity with the people of UNIted Kingdom.

Džaferović also wished a swift and successful recovery of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson.

The two noted that full involvement of all levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina and coordination of their activities are crucial for stopping the spread of coronavirus, the BiH Presidency said.

(FENA) S. R.

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