News in English     | 22.03.2023. 17:03 |

Bošnjak and Szijjártó sign a memorandum of understanding on scholarships for BiH students in Hungary

FENA Press release, Photo: Ministarstvo civilnih poslova

SARAJEVO, March 22 (FENA) - Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Dubravka Bošnjak and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Péter Szijjártó signed today in Sarajevo a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary on cooperation within of the Stipendium Hungaricum program for the period 2023-2025.

In accordance with the signed Memorandum, the Hungarian side offers 50 scholarships per year to Bosnian students for full study in Hungary in Hungarian or English, within three study cycles.

As part of the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program from 2014 to 2022, during nine academic years (including the call for the 2023/24 academic year), 220 citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina applied for scholarships in Hungary.

The signing of the Memorandum continued the successful bilateral cooperation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Hungary in the field of education, initiated by the conclusion of the Agreement on Cultural, Educational and Cooperation in Science, which was signed in Budapest in 2005, and which was also highlighted during the bilateral meeting of Minister Dubravka Bošnjak with Hungarian Minister Péter Szijjártó.

They also discussed other possible forms of cooperation in the field of education between the two countries, and it was concluded that there are no open issues between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Hungary.

Minister Bošnjak thanked Hungary for its assistance in obtaining the candidate status of Bosnia and Herzegovina for membership in the European Union.

The Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade provided full support for Bosnia and Herzegovina's further path to the European Union, stressing that stability and peace in the Western Balkans are very important for Hungary.

(FENA) S. R.

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